Many of you have given to colleges and universities. Ken Griffin gave $500 million and Bill Achman gave untold millions to Harvard. Mark Rowan gave $50 million to the University of Pennsylvania. Now they are outraged at the universities’ indifference at best and support at worst to pro Hamas demonstrations. The money they donated has been used for these exact same purposes for the last 30 years. The donors have unconsciously joined George Soros in undermining America.

16 years ago an articulate, attractive, community organizer turned Senator was elected President of the United States. If you did not anticipate what he would do based on his radical background, friend to the likes of the terrorist Bill Ayres, the America hating Reverend Jeremiah Wright and the antisemite Louis Farrakhan, you should have at least opened your eyes when he adopted economic policies based on discredited theories and foreign policies hostel to our friends like Israel and accommodating to our enemies like Iran. Perhaps you noticed that while claiming the high ground in curing racial ills, he was consciously provoking racial strife. After all, without racial strife what is the Democratic party’s raison d’etre? He simultaneously gave unqualified support to the teacher’s union whose failures have handed millions of life sentences in a poverty prison to poor children. Apparently that was not enough to open your eyes.

Money given to a university supports all its programs. Most universities and particularly the Ivy League have accepted large donations from the Chinese communists and made many accommodations for them. They all but eliminated conservative thought on campus by offering tenure only to “right minded “teachers. They have embraced the woke agenda while brooking no dissent, dissent being a necessary element for any learning environment. Indoctrination has replaced education. Anti-Semitism has run rampant wearing the fig leaf of BDS and the Palestinian movement. All this while educational standards have precipitously declined.

Make no mistake. The money that was donated supports George Soros district attorneys, no bail, defund find the police and every other idiotic anti-American woke idea. It supports the most corrupt party in the history of American politics, the Democrats. It supports a justice department that targets conservatives and turns a blind eye to liberal corruption. Can you imagine if Merrick Garland had been made a Supreme Court Justice? This justice department recently sentenced six peaceful demonstrators at a late term abortion clinic to between two and four years in prison. The same justice department supported eight years of lawfair against President Trump.

To all of you who have blindly donated money to leftist organization like the universities; do you have the strength of character to admit your mistake and reverse course? No one needs mea culpas. What is needed is support. By virtue of your success, you have a megaphone. Use it. Speak out against those who are trying to undermine this great nation. If you are inclined to make donations, make them to organizations that further conservative values. You may not get the adulation Harvard provides, but you can rest knowing you did real good and no harm. No one cares about the mistakes of the past. Everyone very much cares about the present.

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Michael Sall is a living legend among gin players and professional gamblers. He’s the best money gin player in New York City since the 1980s.

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