The Republican party has a wealth of talent qualified to be vice president. Still, there is one outstanding choice, Governor Glenn Youngkin of Virginia.

He starts with a spectacular résumé. Basketball scholarship to Rice University in Houston, Texas, MBA from Harvard, McKinsey, First Boston and finally co-CEO of the Carlisle group. He demonstrated keen political instincts beating Terry McAuliffe, a former governor. At 57 years old he has a healthy 29 year marriage with four children.

It has been said that Americans vote for the guy they would most like to have a beer with. Bill Clinton exemplified this when he overcame rampant corruption as governor of Arkansas and serial cheating in his marriage to become president in 1992. He was charming and he was likable, and he beat Paul Tsongas for the nomination and George Bush for the presidency. Who among possible vice presidential candidates would you rather have a beer with than Glenn Younkin?

Even given his short political career, he is camera ready. He has Bill Clinton‘s charm without the oiliness. Real or imagined the public display of President Trump’s ego has not served him well. No doubt Youngkin has as large an ego, but it is held in tow. This has led to record approval ratings two years into his term. The only area of weakness is among women who dislike his stance on abortion and transgender rights. These are issues any Republican will face.

A realpolitik analysis of his nomination makes the decision compelling. Trump is polling even with Biden in Virginia, a state that has been blue for 20 years. If he wins Virginia, the election is over. He will win in a landslide.

Voters will recognize Governor Youngkin ability to take over should Trump have health problems. His nomination will return a great number of the “never Trumpers“ to the party and those who have flirted with straying will remain. But for Republicans it is better yet. Nobody in the party is more qualified to run for president in ‘28. Nominating him will not only enhance the likelihood of a Trump victory, it will enhance the likelihood of a Republican in the oval office for 12 years and a possible realignment of voters throughout the country.

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