Shame on You George Bush

I forgave you when you passed No Child Left Behind. Did you not know that it would do nothing to

How Did Obama Get Elected?

How is it possible that Barack Obama got reelected? One might explain his original ascendency, however unlikely, to his hidden

Some Common Sense Please

There should be a central talking points unit for conservatives that puts out concise rationals for our positions, answers the

Newt and Mitt

Ann Coulter eviscerated Newt Gingrich on the Mark Simone radio show Saturday morning, and everything she said was right. She

State of the Election

This election will be the first of its kind in my lifetime, and possibly in all American history. The President

Inflation: Hell to Pay

I have a problem with the methodology used to measure inflation. In business we segregate operating expenses, those costs that

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Michael Sall is a living legend among gin players and professional gamblers. He’s the best money gin player in New York City since the 1980s.

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