The BDS movement (Boycott Divestiture Sanctions) against Israel is growing on college campuses and other leftist strongholds. I assert this this is just anti-semitism (reminiscent of the Nazis) disguised with 21st century robes.

No informed man or woman could possibly believe there is any moral equivalency between the Palestinians, whose only purpose is to drive the Jews into the sea (aka exterminate them), and the Israelis who want one thing, to live in peace. But BDS goes further than just moral equivalency. They claim the Jews are the aggressor, as if reaching out to stop an attackers knife headed for your throat is a form of aggression.

This anti-semitism by the Left is old hat, although they have re-written history putting the sins of the Left on the shoulders of the Right. The Nazis were a left wing party. Stalin was an ally, at least until Hitler thought he could successfully carry the battle to his eastern front. The Nazis name, The National Socialist Party should be enough to prove it. Mussolini and the Fascists were Hitlers staunch allies, and pure socialists. The history of Jew hatred is not the exclusive domain of the left, but they have dominated it for years.

Why, one might ask, are so many Jews supporters of the Left. Most conservative and reform Jews are atheists. Many don’t know it themselves, but if you ask what happens when one’s heart stops beating, most will tell you that no part of that person transcends time, that there is no immortal soul. They worship progressivism, not God. Try this. Tell a progressive Jew that God is dead and he will likely give an inert response, but suggest that any progressive idea is failed and destructive and you will get an animated passionate argument.

We should now and forever more identify the BDS movements for what it is, an anti-semitic group of haters spewing vile lies and slanders.

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