I forgave you when you passed No Child Left Behind. Did you not know that it would do nothing to help educate children, but entrench the bureaucracy that has sentenced them to the economic and social prison that a lack of education insures? I forgave you when you signed McCain-Feingold after correctly saying it was unconstitutional, and you would never sign it. Did your father’s “Read my lips, no new taxes” broken pledge to the American people make you think it was OK? I forgave you when you signed the North Korean deal that any observer should have known would only serve to give the rogue nation more funding.

But I can never forgive you for your recent comments about Donald Trump. You were silent while Obama all but nationalized the banks with Dodd Frank, and you were silent when he did the same with Obamacare. You were silent when he signed the Iran deal which effectively promoted terrorism throughout the world, and worse, brought us closer to a nuclear disaster. You were silent when Obama’s Israel policy had the effect of giving obscene justification for Palestinian terrorism. In fact you were silent throughout the most destructive series of foreign and domestic policy decisions in modern presidential history.

Yet, after all this silence, you decide to bring out your megaphone because of Donald Trump‘s unorthodox/crude manner. How dare you? Trump has made more progress with North Korea in nine months than Bill Clinton, you and Obama made in 24 years. He has reversed as many of the evils of the Obama’s wrong headed thinking as is possible, and is committed to reversing as many more as possible. His cabinet appointments are not simply good, but superlative, each committed to a pro growth freedom agenda. That hardly sounds like the end of the Republican Party. It is colossal gall that you would suggest such a thing, given the vast losses the party incurred as you left office, all of which have been reversed with Trump’s election.

Mr Bush, “It is better to be silent and thought the fool, than to open your mouth and leave no room for doubt.”

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Michael Sall is a living legend among gin players and professional gamblers. He’s the best money gin player in New York City since the 1980s.

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